Author: admin

Remember what it was Like to become a child on Saturday mornings at summer? You would wake up to the soft whirring of the fan in your window and see a bright patch of blue skies. From outside you'd hear the lawn mower, and you'd...

We all want role models for our kids. In every discipline, there are. The things they are passionate about change and their stories are different, but it's always interesting and inspiring to hear about their lives and the philosophies they subscribe to. We are all...

Wine has the same meaning as culture and class, and it's a tradition that spans centuries. It's an art, actually: how grapes are grown, the way they're tended, how pests and bugs are kept down, the way and when the fruit is harvested, and the...

The world watched in excitement. People thronged the streets waiting for the just married couple to appear on the royal balcony to greet the cheering audience. But part of what made it so impressive is that it was the first time in 350 years a...

While most folks recognize the famous bridge which spans the San Francisco Bay, not as many men and women know about its history. Though it was once a recently finished happening, the bridge has been around now for 2 decades. The people who assembled it,...

Do you remember the first time you rode a shuttle at an athletic event you're participating in? It may have looked something like this: You did not sleep well the night before, to begin with, so that's always a plus. Odds are good that you slept...

One way or another, time has a method of earning seniors out of all us. Though it may have appeared like this time of existence was eons off when we were appreciating the ball games and dances of high school, the fact remains that aging...

What's it all about a story that pulls us? We socialize in a world of stories, starting from when we are small: infants tell them , even if they can not speak and may only come to you for comfort as they shout (while keeping...

When it comes to things that have changed the world, the effects of the web is something which's difficult to quantify or even wrap your mind about. When the Internet emerged in the early 90's, there likely was not a individual alive who could have...

There is a lot of talk these days about becoming more environmentally conscious and taking care of this ground we live on. Honestly, it can at times feel overwhelming to think about all the environmental problems which are piling up. It's easy to feel frustrated...