28 Nov Reserve a Coach!
At First Class we have the privilege of transporting groups of all kinds including congregations! We know you worship together as a congregation, but it’s pretty fun to play together, too. If you’re bringing your church members together and the experience is going to entail some driving, we think reserving a motorcoach (or two!) is just the thing you need. Here is why you should reserve a coach!
For starters, it’s just more fun. Instead of having everyone take individual cars, letting everyone drive together means that lots of conversation, laughter, and memories will be made as the miles go by.
It’s environmentally sound. Each coach carries up to 57 passengers, and this means that these rigs potentially remove 57! individual cars from the roads. Fewer cars means fewer emissions, and that’s better for the air we are breathing and for the environment overall.
Less chaos. When you’re organizing a group event, there are many facets to consider. Worrying about getting the correct information and directions to everyone becomes a non-issue when everyone can just meet at the church, load up, and go. No worrying about folks getting lost or people arriving late and delaying when the party can start.
It’s economical. Reserving a coach means you can get one great group rate and receive friendly, professional service and convenience all in one. No need to go through the hassle of reimbursing individuals for gas expenses…just pay one flat rate and it’s done!
Comfort and convenience. Our coaches come equipped with extras: power, WiFi, a bathroom, individual reading lights and airflow control, and video screens and an A/V system for entertainment as well. You really can’t go wrong here. You likely have a wide age span in your congregation, and these amenities can help appease everyone in your group (especially if the drive is long).
Safety. There’s no doubt about it: a big coach is so much safer than smaller individual cars. Our coaches are built to be structurally sound, and you never have to wonder if riding in a coach compromises your safety. We’ve got you covered!
We hope next time your congregation is planning something fun, you’ll let us come along and be the wheels behind the adventure! Getting your group where you need to go is what we do best! When you are ready to reserve a coach, follow this link: https://portal.firstclasstours.net/Quotation