Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our passengers. During these unprecedented times, we find ourselves once again working towards solutions to make sure that every person that sets foot on a First Class Motorcoach, both passengers and employees is safer than they ever have been before. Below is what we are doing in response to the COVID-19 situation.
The recent COVID-19 virus has highlighted for many what we have always believed. We know that our customers expect a clean coach that is free from germs and viruses. We have for years been anxiously engaged in delivering this for every passenger that sets foot on our buses. From H1N1 to the new COVID-19 strain we know you put your safety in our hands when you board our buses and we take that responsibility very seriously.
We've added CDC approved chemicals designed to combat the COVID-19 virus.
We've added electro-static cleaners and increased the frequency that surfaces are cleaned.
To help keep passengers and staff safe, your First Class Tours team will be wearing masks and gloves.
We're adding partitions around the driver's cockpit to help keep both the driver and passengers safe.
Drivers and staff are being trained to use social distancing when interacting with passengers and each other.
In a quickly evolving environment, our team works tirelessly to deliver a first-class experience to your group and keep you as safe as possible while traveling.
We are all in this together. We continue to do a lot to keep people safe when they step aboard one of our motorcoaches but realize that some of the needed precautions must come from our wonderful passengers. Please consider the following as you join us on an upcoming trip.
As of July 2nd 2020, Gov. Greg Abbott has issued a statewide mask order in Texas. This means that all passengers will need to wear a mask while waiting to board, and for the duration of their trip with us.
Please be respectful to your fellow passenger's desires for social distancing. Not everyone feels the same way and being respectful during this time is appreciated.
We respectfully ask that if you feel sick that you follow the instructions of the CDC and stay home. This courtesy will help everyone as we work to get back on the roads.
This is a new situation for all of us, while we work to keep passengers safe, train driver's, and stay up to date on the best practices we ask for your help and understanding as things change that impact you.