17 Feb Get Out and Take a Break!
Whether it’s the comparable scheduled week every year, or an eleventh hour “I need a break!” kind of gig, getting a trip in is something that all of us need every now and then. Sometimes you need a change from everyday life, endless hours on the phone at the office, nerve-racking customer discussions, or you just want to give your eyes the opportunity to recover from being so glazed over after looking at a screen all day (every day). And sometimes? Sometimes you just need to believe that a real person again.
Therefore why get a hotel room in a place far from home? Well, we think there are loads of benefits, and listed below are just a few:
The value of reconnecting. Let’s face it: when you’re plugged in at work, trying to take care of the house, busy with civic responsibilities, keeping the kids fed and the laundry pile under control, making sure the lawn is mowed, and you get your miles logged so you’re on track for the upcoming race you’re signed up for? This. is. life. It can be hard to squeeze a meaningful conversation in there somewhere, have a chance to really listen and find out what’s going on with the people that are right next to you most of the time. That’s the benefit of booking accommodations somewhere where you actually get away, making everything on the usual task list moot. Getting away means you’re not there to do it, even if you wanted to. You’ve got time to invest and sit in the people you care about the most.
It’s time to spot family and friends that you don’t get to see nearly as often as you’d like. Whether you live continents apart or only a number of hours away, the fact still remains that you don’t see one another much (or hardly at all). However if you put it on the calendar, the time is booked. And someone could say that if you have to schedule it, it must not matter as much as it should. But that’s not true; scheduling it means you value it enough to make it happen despite the fact that the demands on your time are crazy.
Getting out opens up new doors, new sights, and new chances. The routine of life brings familiar comfort, but it can also bring monotony and a feeling of stagnancy. Jumping in the lake on vacation in the middle of the night, yet, or standing under thundering falls on a hike, paragliding, or skydiving? The options for revitalization are many, and getting out of your comfort zone (in any lot of ways!) can spark up your life and help you feel ready to get back at it when the vacation is over.
It’s a common time to reset and reevaluate. Taking time to have those very important conversations and allowing yourself some quiet amid the chaos of everyday life creates natural possibilities to reset, rethink, and see where you are and where you’d like to be. It can help you identify where your life is on target, along with what you want to adjust and do in different ways.
Whether you’re gathering at the family cabin for a week or booking a hotel with friends and planning to enjoy some good food and sites, getting away has its pluses. And, the good news? We work with hotels to deliver transportation for whatever vacation you have prepared. If you need a way to get your group around effectively (not to mention that it’s fun to stay together!), we’re only a call away!