22 Feb Cool Ideas to Document Your Trip
When you’ve taken the time off of work, packed your bags, and the kids prepared to go, there’s nothing better than going out for a family vacation. Being all together as a family, spotting the sites, having time to talk, visit, and laugh, and taking a few good days to focus on the people you’re with is a blessing that doesn’t come around often enough.
In reality, you’re making memories that will last a lifetime, and it’s good to document these experiences for recalling later. While people do this in different ways, the important thing is finding something that works for you. If you’d like to keep track of what you’ve experienced and felt, you might try one (or more!) of these suggestions.
Take photos. There’s that saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, and somehow, it’s correct. Pictures will jog your memory of your travels, and you’ll rejoice to have them.
Take time to write. There’s something about writing down some thoughts, even a few words, to articulate an experience and capstone a day. Reflecting and recording help integrate feelings and emotions, and it’s also an appropriate time to share highlights, too. Maybe someone said a one liner that had everyone in stitches, or shared something heavily personal with the group. These are the kinds of things you want to list. But, what if you’re not one to write things down? That’s okay. Use your smart phone to create audio recordings. All you’ve got to do is press the record button and talk. They’re easy to save, and a cinch to hand out and share, too.
Take something special home. There are always a bunch of random ornaments and usual tokens that people buy. But what about acquiring something that holds personal meaning to you, something that truly takes you to a particular memory or something you don’t want to neglect? For instance, maybe you had a life-changing chat on the beach with someone you love, something that brought an answer to your life or helped you let go of some long-held pain. You might compile a bunch of seashells for your mantle from that place. They’ll remind you of what happened in that moment, long after you’ve returned and life has resumed.
Express your sentiments through an art form. Maybe you aren’t one to get pictures, write things down, or bring things home. You might be someone who wants to show your experience by writing a song with the guitar, painting a picture, writing a poem, or establishing something that represents an idea.
Use technology. Take videos. Share things to social media. Or, integrate photos and journaling by employing an app like 5 Minute Journaling. That interface makes it easy to record a few thoughts each day, and it’s easy to attach a photo with your words to give an umbrella approach at capturing the entire experience.
Next time you’re on a sightseeing adventure, keep track of your trip so you can remember the details later and others can benefit from the fun you had, too. And if you want a way to get everyone around, we provide transportation for groups that are unparalleled in customer service and satisfaction. Give us a call and we’ll confirm it!