07 Mar 10 Rules for Concertgoers
There’s something kind of magical about watching talented musicians play together, and it’s even better when you recognize with what they are playing. Music has a way of remembering specific memories– people and places and times in your life. When a friend introduced you to a new band, you can hear a song and go back twenty years to high school or a few years ago. That being said, it’s neat to become able to see a band experience the magic and live of what that music has meant to you as you watch the musicians play in person. Heading to a concert can be a singular experience, and hopefully you come away reflecting on how remarkable it was. To ensure that you get the most out of it, you might intend to consider these tips:
It’s sort of fun to get thrilled before you even go. If you can access the set list before the concert, you’ll be capable to familiarize yourself with what you’re going to hear. You often enjoy music that you’re familiar with much more than something that is new, and this will allow you to “get acquainted,” so to speak, with everything slated for the program and have the opportunity to appreciate the unique ways the band presents it live.
How many of us have been at a concert, classical or rock, and been distracted because of how someone is using their phone? And, instead of taking video during the whole concert, take into consideration putting your phone away. Have you ever taken video during a concert, only to realize that you’re really experiencing it through the screen, instead of enjoying the sensory experience of being totally present and interacting and watching without any technology?
While we’re speaking about distractions, how about those people that are loud, obnoxious and draw a bunch of focus on themselves, keeping it hard for everyone else to enjoy what they paid for? Bear in mind the type of concert you’re at, the music that’s being played, and what the other individuals around you are doing. That’s one thing if it’s a punk concert and it’s loud and there are tons of people moshing. C’mon, don’t be that loud person when someone is playing a quiet folk tune or you’re hearing a famous classical number performed on stage. Match your behavior to the setting, and don’t make everyone else be distracted by you rather than what they actually pertained to see. Enjoy the whole experience, including the chance to visit with those around you while you’re anticipating the beginning of the show. Part of enjoying other individuals is being considerate, too. For instance, just because someone in front of you is quite a bit taller than you and may impact your view a bit doesn’t give you license to be rude. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t be there making memories, too. And, since we’re discussing about being mindful, don’t be that person that is making their way ahead of everyone in line, either. It’s not cool.
Remember that you don’t have to be the crazy loud person at the concert to be annoying. You can also be that person that’s being super quiet, but having a full blown make out session with your seat partner. Not only is this distracting, it’s also gross and entirely inappropriate, and other folks didn’t pay to come and have their experience ruined by having that crash right in front of them. A quick kiss is main thing, but taking it several levels more than that is just downright inconsiderate. Bottom line? Have a good time. Do it if that means relaxing and allowing yourself to groove to the music! Cherish what you’re feeling because you’ll remember it always if it means that all you can do is sit there wrapped up in the emotion. Everyone around you will be listening and reacting to the music in different ways and that’s part of the beauty of the concert experience. When many are gathered together appreciating something as a whole, there’s energy that comes from the whole group and it’s a lovely thing.
The above tips are really just simple ways that you can get the most from visiting a concert, but obviously the most ideal part is actually going….buy tickets, get ready, and head out to the show!