10 Apr Ski Getaway Advice for Larger Families
Are you planning a trip for the whole family to enjoy skiing this winter? When the whole family is involved, it’s an entirely different ball game.
• Family groups often go over the holidays or spring break because it works conveniently for young children that are in school. Additionally, if you’re going to rent gear or want to get some ski lessons for someone in the family, you’ll want to make reservations far in advance to ensure everything runs smoothly.
• When picking both the date and resort that is best for your family, keep in mind how far you’ll be into the season. A last hurrah trip in spring might mean that some of the lower altitude resorts may have already closed due to inadequate snow levels. And, if you’ve got children along, it’s probably a great idea to choose a large resort, as they generally have a plenty of other attractions: places to eat and shop or get a massage, other recreational options, and even childcare, if that will be something that you’ll need. This will enable to ensure that, once you’re off the slopes for the day, you’ll still be having a good time!
• When choosing the most ideal lodging setup for your group, would it be best to bunk down in a hotel with a number of rooms that are close to each other? Or would you rather rent a house so everyone is all in the same place? It is often most advantageous, especially with young children, to have a large enough space to accommodate everyone all together. And, it’s not just about sleeping … it is fun to have everyone together to hang out and unwind when the day is done.
• Now that you’ve thought about resort and accommodation options, don’t forget gear. Gear is everything! If you’re a skilled skier, it’s likely that you already have everything you need. However, if you’re just starting out, you may want to rent everything on site. That way, if you give it a try and don’t feel like it’s your thing, you won’t be out a lot of money spent on quality equipment. If you’re a “ski family,” you likely have equipment that has been shared and handed down through each of the children. However, if you’re not in that boat, you may just want to rent equipment at the resort for the kids. It’s likely that, by next year, at least one of them will need a different size in something! A word to the wise: don’t forget these necessities– helmets, sunscreen, lip balm and sunglasses, for example, as well as a vehicle equipped with 4WD, snow tires and chains, in the event that the weather gets nasty. If your group is large enough, another transportation option to think about would be reserving a charter bus in Houston, Texas. We would love for you to give First Class Tours a chance to quote your upcoming trip!
Ideally by taking into consideration these tips you’ll have the opportunity to make sure you’ve tied up all the loose ends. Having a large group could be stressful, but it’s worth it once you’ve arrived. Now get out there, and have some fun!