13 Sep Making the Get-together Simple!
Sometimes it could be easy to get caught in the net of considering our lives in the balance against another person’s, primarily in today’s world of social networks, the Internet, cell laptops, tablets and phones. We might just see our friend’s amazing house refurbish and then look at our own home and all of a sudden find it lacking. We may perceive we don’t have the best clothes, drive the right car, have enough money, or have an important sufficient job. Theoretically, it may sound foolish, but it’s a common ailment that oftens promote dissatisfaction instead of contentment. Theodore Roosevelt is quoted as stating it in a simple, profound way: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
This concept of choosing bigger and better while trying to stay up to date with the Joneses can seep into our family vacation time, but it doesn’t need to. Getting trapped in the “keeping up” philosophy can truly prevent the possibilities for families to attach and enjoy meaningful experiences. When you’re trying to tune all that out and focus on strengthening the relationships that mean the most to you as you come together this year, here are 15 suggestions for keeping it simple.
Enjoy a game. Take off the decks of cards, pull out that new favorite board game, get your favorite snacks, and gather round. Chuckling is sure to occur.
Go get ice cream. Load everyone in the car and go get shakes at the local drive in. A side positive aspect? With plenty of people getting different flavors, you may get lucky to try more than just your own.
Design sand castles. If you snuck away to the ocean or a lake not far from home for a few days, carry along some sand gear and spend time talking with each other as you create your best version of a medieval fortress.
Go out and move together. Plan a family 5K and enjoy inspiring each other (and likely stirring up some healthy banter, too!).
Watch a flick. Nothing wrong with blankets, popcorn, and snacks, too.
Sing all together. There’s something about getting together in a circle, singing, and harmonizing together. Remember to pull out your iPhone and take a voice recording! You’ll listen to it later and be happy that you did.
Have a family talent presentation. If you do, odds are good that some actions will have you splitting a gut, while some other may leave you in awe of the gifts your people have.
Make a round the circle and have everyone share something they’re thankful for from the previous year. This one prompts people to explore deep, so don’t be startled if you end up needing a Kleenex box.
Read something special aloud. Maybe it’s a quote that improved your perspective or a passage from an essay that’s amusing. Sharing and talking about ideas is fun, and it helps you get to know each other better, too.
Establish a memory by doing something unique. Try new food together, start hiking a peak in the middle of the night, or do something that gets you away from your comfort zone.
Build a fire and roast s’mores. Remember to buy extra chocolate (insert: when can you have too much?).
Do a round of everyone sharing their favorite songs they found in the past year, the songs they ended up listening to again and again. Who doesn’t love new tunes and artist suggestions?
Enjoy the stars. It sounds so uncomplicated, but when it’s quiet and dark and you’re resting on blankets watching the night sky, you’ll enjoy beauty and likely share some meaningful talk, too.
Dance. Yup! When everyone’s mingling, crank up some tunes and get the whole family– uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, old ones and young ones– on their feet together. This is SO MUCH FUN.
Tell your favorite family stories. They’re funnier when you’re with the people that actually are aware of all the nuances and family dynamics at play.
Looking at everyone else’s vacations on social media may make you feel as though yours has to be bigger and better to be great, but these simple suggestions will help you focus on your relationships, get quality time in, and walk away having connected with each other. And if you need a way to get the family from point A to point B during the reunion, we’re only a call away!