24 Nov Happy Thanksgiving!
Growing up in Texas, this time of year meant going to Nannie’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was always a big deal. The older folks would discuss the events of the year including jobs, deaths, births, wins, and losses.
It was all about relationships and just being together-that togetherness was the real gift.
As we look back over years past, we see what matter most and what makes us truly grateful. Without a doubt, Thanksgiving can really help put things in perspective.
The past 20 months have taken a toll on all our relationships. We feel disconnected and isolated from those that we love. Our days seem long and feel the same (like the Bill Murray movie “Groundhog Day”). For many people, the connective tissue is fraying. Some lack the relationships they yearn for, others long for a listening ear. And for some, it’s simply about having that shoulder to lean on.
It really does come down to gratitude for the people in our lives. And so, as we start to look back on this year, even with continuous change and challenge there is much to be grateful for – as long as we have the grace to recognize and appreciate it. Here are some thoughts for our gratitude list:
• Have we told everyone how great they are? Gratitude is timeless and has no expiration date.
• Our helping hands. Ask someone soon, “Do you need help?”
• The true treasure. An attitude of gratitude starts with two small but extremely powerful words that translate in every language: thank you! Say it more!
• Love home. Remember what is truly important. Family, loved ones, friends, colleagues.
Looking forward to 2022
As we begin to look forward to 2022 and all that it holds may we be grateful for what has happened in 2021. There are several things that set the team up for even greater success in 2022:
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These updates and more will prepare us for a great 2022! Greg and I are so excited to see business continue to come back. We are thankful for you and the awesome job you did this year. Keep your chin up, every day!
Happy Thanksgiving,