24 Nov For the Love of Skiing!
For many of us, autumn is a glorious time of year that means football games, comfy sweaters, back to school, pumpkin pie, and soaking in nature’s golden trees as the year begins to die. There’s nothing quite like eating fresh fruit from orchard stands, or themed Halloween parties with friends that always end up being hilarious. And, inevitably, thoughts turn toward Thanksgiving and Christmas, buying plane tickets, and the beloved family recipes that truly make everyone feel like they’ve arrived home for the holidays.
But there are lots of folks whose excitement at this time of year has little to do with the glory of fall foliage or holidays or any of that conventional stuff. Nope; it has everything to do with what’s next, with getting back to the slopes and engaging in a passion they enjoy. And it’s for everyone. You’ve got 3-year-olds on the slopes who are just giving it a try for the first time, and, on the same mountain, you might have someone who could ski in company with Kim Reichhelm or Doug Coombs.
But you don’t have to be a Glen Plake or Bode Miller or Alf Engen to rip it up. You can just be another Joe-Shmoe who loves heading to the slopes with family, or a group of friends that gather once a year to ski, enjoying the opportunity to be in the great outdoors for a couple of days.
For some, this love of skiing took root because it was a family pastime. You may be the little girl whose mother, on snowy, late afternoons, would pack you in the car, and the two of you would forget the world for a few hours by slipping into the canyon by your home, playing in fresh powder before coming home for a late, hot dinner.
Others, though, may have discovered skiing quite unexpectedly. It may never have been your intention to get out there and negotiate some slippery downhill. But, maybe quite by accident, you had to report on a story and decided to try it so you could better understand your subject. Maybe you fell in love with someone who held it as a passion, or a group of buddies finally got you to give it a go. And…guess what? You became totally enamored. The hobby took you over, hook and sinker. And suddenly, you get it. All of it. You understand why some people can’t hardly wait for Halloween to come and go, and you really just want to eat some turkey on Thanksgiving and then hit the slopes for the rest of the afternoon. Or, you may opt to miss the turkey altogether.
If any of this sounds familiar, we’d love to help you get back to your happy place. While motorcoaches are typically known for tour transportation or shuttle services, we also do a lot of transportation to destinations that are all about fun. And, it doesn’t really matter what that group looks like, cuz they’re all different. Sometimes it’s an office party before the holidays begin, and sometimes it might be the field trip for the local boys and girls club. We’ve transported church groups and wedding parties, and we’ve been the wheels behind family reunion fun and youth sports ventures, too. For us, it really doesn’t matter who you are; we just want to help you get to wherever it is you want to go. Whatever group you belong to, we’d love to get you to the resort. We provide quality, professional transportation, and you won’t have to compromise on comfort or satisfaction, either. When the snow starts to fly, getting to the slopes is just a ride away!