05 Sep 10 Things Every Foodie MUST Learn about Food Festivals
The idea of going to where there are tons of different flavors, smells and cultures represented all in one place is pretty awesome already, but if it all centers around FOOD? If you’ve never attended a food festival, you are definitely in for a treat.
One thing you’ll realize quickly about a huge festival is that you won’t be able to participate in everything that goes on. Find out as much about it as you can before you go, and know what things you are most interested in.
Keep in mind that you’re going to be surrounded by lots of people, and it’s probably to get warm– as well as the steam from food cooking, the fact that you might find yourself eating some seriously untidy (and delicious grub), and the general hubbub that has bunches of stuff going on in one place. So, advice? This most likely isn’t the place that you want to be wearing your finest clothes. Loosened up and chill is your best bet.
And since we already discussed crowds, want a few pointers along those lines? Arrive with plenty of time to spare so you can prevent as much traffic as possible, and when you do go to the crowds (it’s bound to happen eventually), keep in mind of the way traffic seems to be moving and try going the other way instead. Although you will most definitely choose the types of food you’re familiar with and don’t want to miss, don’t shy away from sampling something new and expanding your palette horizons! This shouldn’t be that hard to do if you’re a foodie already, and it can be exciting and yummy. If a friend wants you to try something new, or there are samples readily available that might sound a bit interesting, taking a taste will never hurt. And, who knows? Maybe it’ll open the door to a flavor you’ll freak out about, in an excellent way.
Even though you don’t prefer to hold back in trying new foods, you actually do prefer to exercise some restraint when it pertains to booze. Overloading in this department will not just make you incapable to truly enjoy your experience (because you might not remember it anyway), but it may make you sick and out for the count. Just take it easy and enjoy without overdoing it so you don’t compromise the rest of your time if you choose to go or grab a beer to a wine tasting.
If ever you want to give a try to lots of different things (and isn’t that the point?), you can utilize the people in your group to your benefit. Hold a group powwow, decide what you’d all prefer to try, and after that have each person go and get a different thing. You’ll have a feast of flavors and culture all in one go when you come back together. Bonus! You only spent 15 minutes in one line, yet you’re trying the food from several.
While you can come away getting had a fantastic culinary experience, you might come away feeling like you gained 20 pounds in the process, too. To get the most out of the food possibilities and not come away feeling yucky and bloated, make use of time between meals to walk around a bit and acquire some physical activity. You’ll burn off some calories and actually be legitimately hungry again when it’s time for the next round of eating.
Keep in mind that the entire point is to have fun and be capable to look back on the whole deal fondly. Trying new things, talking with chefs, taking pictures, and enjoying other festival activities will help guarantee that you go away from the entire experience feeling like it was the very best one you have yet attended.
After reading these pointers, everything remains for you to do is make a choice as to which festival you would like to attend. Once you’ve dialed in on that, what are you waiting for? Get out there and dig in!